Epoxy, Acrylic and Urethane Adhesive is a structural adhesive that provide high adhesion strength, cohesive strength and load-bearing strength.
- Bond glass, masonry, metal, plastic, rubber, wood and more.
- Tough, durable, heat resistance and environmentally resistance.
- Good alternative to mechanical fastener.
- Wide range of product is available to suit your requirements.
- Available from normal cure to fast cure, normal work-life to long work-life and normal handling strength to fast handling strength.
Product line:
√ 3M 2216 B/A, DP100, 3M DP100NS, 3M DP100 Plus, 3M DP125,
3M DP270, 3M DP460, 3M DP460NS, 3M DP805, 3M DP810,
3M DP820, 3M DP920, 3M DP8005, 3M DP8010, etc.

Data Sheet – 3M 2216 B/A Epoxy Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP100 & DP100NS Epoxy Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP100 Plus Epoxy Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP270 Epoxy Potting Compound Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP460 & DP460NS Epoxy Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP805 & DP820 Acrylic Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP8005 Structural Plastic Adhesive (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M DP8010 Structural Plastic Adhesive (PDF)