The backing of Polyester Tape is made of polyester. In general, the thickness of the tape could be very thin.
- Suitable for the applications that very thin tape thickness is required.
- Polyester film is a very strong backing material. The tensile strength of the tape is high although it is thin.
- Superior chemical and temperature resistance.
- Recommended for the applications of masking which involve strong chemical with high temperature, and any other demanding applications in electronics, metal finishing and graphic arts sectors.
Product line:
√ 3M 850, 3M 8901, 3M 8902, 3M 8905, etc
Data Sheet – 3M 850 Polyester Tape (PDF)
Data Sheet – 3M 8901, 3M 8902, 3M 8905 Polyester Tape (PDF)

¦ 3M ¦ Polyester Tape ¦ Malaysia, Selangor